Sunday, September 8, 2013

Arty Me

Yesterday was a slow day in the Nelson house-
I needed it,
felt like I was fighting a cold and just plain tired.
Dave's back is still not right which is making him a little cranky.
He misses using his boat you see.
Poor guy.
But me, I used part of the day to finally start cleaning out my art mess upstairs. I am not totally done but it is SO much cleaner and more organized than it was.
I love it!
Ignore the yellow- taking photos under the light with a SLR camera that is on its last leg and doesn't have a flash that works.
I really like all the little die cut birds- Memory Box.
I also love the smiley sun and frowny clouds.
Oh life.
Took Emmie my 14 year old cat to the very yesterday too and the diagnosis isn't good.
That makes me really really sad.
Oh life again.
Not too much else going on here.
Hope to do a little art today, not just cleaning.
Like I thought,
this weekend is going awfully fast.
Enjoy the rest of yours.

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