Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Fun and Goofy Cards

Today I have a couple of cards to show you. I recently bought this set of Dylusions stamps.
Dylusions - Rubber Stamp - Monster Mash
Monster Mash.
I had a blast making these 2 cards for my daughter off at college-
she's one lucky girl because she gets a few cards every week.
(Think that makes me a good mom too for making her these cards-
but I have fun doing it and at least someone who really appreciates them gets them. She has a huge stack  in her room at home from her first 3 years.)
Anyhow, what you can't see is that the hunchback labman is stuck on with a jiggly little plastic thing so he wiggles left and right on the card. I particularly think his sparkly orange boots are a hoot.
Haven't quite figured out what to put for words on this card yet.
Any suggestions?
Made a second card using these stamps.
To make the monster pop, I stamped him twice so I could cut out the tongue and put it on with a pop up dot stickie. You can't see it here very well. But you can see the Viva paint pen dots in the eyes. Happy with how those look.
And on the glass dome holding the caterpillar, I used glue to make the top look a little more glassy. I used a pop up dot on the caterpillar's head, which doesn't show here at all.
Some 3D effects just don't photograph very well I guess.
they both put a smile on my face and I think my daughter will smile too.
At least I hope so!
Thanks for stopping by today.

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