Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Last Week of Summer

Can you believe it is the last week of summer?
Its been feeling like fall here in New Hampshire.
Cold night last night-coldest yet this late summer season.
I am so ready to start making Halloween projects. I have been telling myself to wait just a bit, but I have so much fun making Halloween things, that I couldn't wait.
Although the lighting is a bit too much on the right side, you can see this first card of the season that I made.
I started by rubbing a painted stencil on the card stock.
I originally used the stencil and paint to make this other card front
and then I wiped off the top painted side by rubbing it on my autumn card front.
Image is from Chocolate Baroque and is embossed in black.
I added the owl's eyes using a Sakura jelly roll glaze pen. I also colored the moon with the same Sakura pen.
The embossed silver moon and stars are from Inkadinkado. 
Ignore the craft sheet background but you can see the whole card better in this photo.

Will have a lot more to show you as it gets to be fall and closer to Halloween.
Thanks for visiting.
Come back soon.

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