Monday, October 14, 2013

Day Off

Long weekend Monday for me.  Where did the rest of the weekend go? It can't be Monday already, can it?
Luckily I am home all by my lonesome and making this day all for me.
Need a me day, very tired of doing everything for everyone else but myself lately.
Not that I mind doing things for others, but seems lately my needs seem to be in a low place on the priority list and that is what I am very TIRED of.
Sometimes we're all a little more selfish than other times and this I guess is my time to be that way.
But enough moaning and groaning.
Today's journal page is a home themed page I made recently.
I love this doily or snowflake stamp from Impression Obsession. Picked it up 40% off on a markdown table and I thought I could connect them kind of like a crochet afghan. Hence my home theme.
Photos are a piece of October Afternoon Midway collection paper cut up.
Technique Tuesday stamped image and some clear acetate word images (Postmodern Design) I cut up and used. Also found these on a markdown table for only 10 cents a sheet. A deal I couldn't refuse!!!!
So today is a studio day for me, and hopefully, if we do get to see any sun (haven't seen any since Friday), a little yard work.
There are leaves needing raking.
There is me needing some outside and sunshine.
I also want to read some more of one of my latest reads
A good gothic spooky read.
Perfect for this spooky time of year.
It is part one to this book
Which I read this summer.
Ok, so I am backwards...not much new for me.
But want to get caught up and so far, 
enjoying this read a lot.
So what are you up to today?
Thanks for taking a couple of minutes out of your day and visiting my blog.
So today-Columbus Day- was an absolutely gorgeous day. I sat on my screen porch and read and napped for like 2 hours.  I had to. It was such a nice treat of a day- and at this time of year, there's so few left, that I had to take advantage of it.
Today was the best- I spent hours catching up on my card making in the studio and some time outside. Didn't get all my chores done,
but oh well.
They won't go anywhere.

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