Monday, October 21, 2013

Great Weekend

My weekend:
This was Friday!
and this.
- at my mom's house.
We went to have a little birthday celebration since Mom turned 84.
My cousin Gavin who I haven't seen in probably 20 years stopped by with his family.
He lives way down south in Tennessee.
Was up here in New England for a little visit during his kids fall school break.

Katie and I  went shopping before we headed home.
This was dangerous!!!!!!!
Especially for 2 chickies with a passion for Vera Bradley.
Good thing this was an outlet-or maybe that's not so good since most things were 50% off (everything not 60%  was 50% off) and that's off the outlet price.
Holy cow!
Like I said- last time we went there everything was 40% off and I thought that was good.
So much fun to shop!
And this was Saturday-
I took 2 classes with Dyan Reavely down in Massachusetts.
 They were so good. I wasn't sure what to expect and how well I'd like them- but I wish I had signed up for yesterday too which was an all day journaling extravaganza. Because I had such a good day Saturday. And the classes were small Saturday- the writing class in the morning was only 12 of us and that was fantastic. The stamping afternoon class was 21- still not bad.
But I really needed a down day, and I really didn't need to spend more cash, but I was wishing yesterday I had gone back.
Wishing a lot.
But Saturday was super.
Used a bunch of ink and got my fingers all dirty!!!
 And here's some unfinished class pages. Will show you the finished ones another day-
once I finish them all!

 Oh well I tell myself, if I hadn't spent money at the Vera Bradley outlet Friday.
It was still good to spend the day with my family yesterday.
Next time Dyan Reavely comes back this way.

Don't I hate saying that.

Make this a great Monday-
I am going to try to even though I am back to work and
WISH in the biggest way I was home to play all day in my studio like last week when I had Monday off.
I have the art bug pretty bad right now.
Think that excuse would work if I called in sick for a few days?

1 comment:

  1. You had a wonderful and creative weekend, Erika!

    I'm looking forward a workshop Dyan will held in Italy in a couple of weeks, can't wait! :-)


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