Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!!

Let me celebrate this day of dark and spookiness by showing you some more of my Halloween altered book.
Never quite finished all my pages but after taking those 2 journaling classes with Dyan Reavely I've been in blissful journal play zone with spray inks and stencils. Kind of got away from working on this.
That's ok though-
Got my spooky play on and I will just tuck this book away until next time I want to play Halloween-
even if it next year!
Like my cookie clown? I just loved these guys  on the box of some Trader Joe's cookies. So I cut up the box and got my images.
Made the big skull using the Scan and Cut.
Cut the letters for the word haunt with it too.
I cut the skull with the scan and cut too.  Was about to make an enlargement of a smaller image.
 And finally I used the scraps from a die cut to make this negative image by gluing it down onto white paper and then adding this great moon. The stamp I used for this is ancient- do n't even know who made it.  All I know is I found the stamp on a mark down table and it has become one of my most used stamps.
Probably because a big moon image is really useful-
ok, so I'm a werewolf or a vampire of something.
That's what I have for today.
I appreciate you taking a few minutes and checking it out.
Are you doing anything spooky and fun for the holiday?

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