Friday, October 11, 2013

Spooky Art

Been working on a Halloween Altered book .
Thought I'd let you see a few more little peeks of my project.
I'm using an old encyclopedia for my book base and found this cool page with the Notre Dame gargoyles. 
The story in my book is a journal of a witch through the centuries.
She has a long life, this witch.
She has seen a lot and been to many places.
And a little humor too.
I linked these to Paint Party Friday and Art Journal Journey.

So we've made it to Friday.
Always very exciting.
Columbus weekend here in the US. I have Monday off. 
Long weekends are ALWAYS very exciting also.
Lots of possibilities-
bringing home the boat, its also my Mom's birthday.
I desperately need to clean my studio space.
Lets see if that actually happens
been needing a cleaning for weeks now.
Gonna watch more of Game of Thrones too-Dave and I are 5 episodes into season 1 and I am really enjoying it.
Who knows what else I'll be up to?
What are you up to this weekend?


  1. An extraordinary cool and rocking spread Erika ... Fabulous!
    Thank you for joining us over on
    Art Journal Journey!

  2. Erika, your spooky art is wonderful. its a great idea to use flip page on art journal page.

  3. What a fun altered book...great rescue of an old encyclopedia too!

  4. This is amazing and fancy!! Very creative!

  5. it looks beautiful and the background is great!
    Groetjes Karin

  6. Your spooky art made me laugh, it looks wonderful and full of surprises.
    xx Monique


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