Monday, November 18, 2013

Cool Skies

I've been sky watching again.
Searching out sunshine in what short days we have-
and they're only getting shorter!
Sunrise off my back deck one morning last week.
Fuzzy but another morningwith some cool watercolor skies.
The bottom of my driveway when I got home one day last week. It was only 4:15. (And only 29 degrees-Fahrenheit)
And there were some pretty wisps in the sky on my way home Friday after I picked up Katie at school. This photo is kind of can just see the moon as a white spot in the sky.  Before that the sky was some wisps of blues and greys and white.
  I thought it would make a great sweater.
This was the moon Friday night.
This photo is bright and makes you feel like your looking into a lightbulb.
So its another Monday, and today it is going to rain
(so much for pretty sunrises).
Then the cold is coming back. 
Oh my.
 Luckily it was nice on Saturday and warm,
so we went out and finished up the leaves.
Dave worked on fixing up some driveway ruts too.
I am really glad I got that job done!!!!
Once my snow tires go on on Wednesday I will be ready for snow-
Not in my head though.
Never ready for snow.
So did you do anything fun this weekend?
We went to see Thor at the movies Saturday night.
Dave and I.
Then the daughter calls and we end up meeting her on her boyfriend there.
So much for our date night.
But it was fun and I enjoyed the movie.
Yesterday it was dark and damp all day.
Rather a downer.
But Katie needed to go back to school early so we went out for breakfast at a local
place called the Farmer's Kitchen-
which I go by every morning on the way to work and want to go get breakfast,
so it was YUMMY! and a treat!!!
And later when we got home I tried to motivate myself to go play in the studio
but it just wasn't in me.
More like a nap and some reading kind of day-
with a fire in the fireplace and the darkness,much more cozy to snuggle on the couch and
Before a busy week.
New reading book for me
This book was mentioned in this book
which I recently read and enjoyed a lot.
So I picked up a used copy of this book
and so far I am liking it.
Elizabeth and her German Garden was written in 1898 so it is a classic.
Plus, it kind of falls into my international reading.
Oh yeah,
on that note, 
I found a book of Latin American short stories I had on the shelf and had read a 
long long time ago.
So I am going to reread a few stories.
Really serious about doing some of this international reading.
So what have you been up to?
Thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! Happy to have found another NH mixed media girl! Can't wait to work my way through your blog posts for inspiration. :)


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