Monday, November 4, 2013

My Weekend

Saturday night Dave and I went to see this film.
And you know, I enjoy a lot of movies,
and I don't regret going
(it was a lot of fun to go out with the hubby)
but I'm not sure I liked this movie.
I have NO desire to go into space-
I find the idea very scary
and this movie,
was just stressful to me.
I don't mind sci-fi, but this movie never had any real tension release.
I like a little tension release.
Other than that I spent Saturday getting some raking done (what a gorgeous day it was)
and we went out for a pizza and got Dave's birthday gift-
he finally moved up to a smartphone.
Now that's an interesting experience-
(for an engineer-someone so technical- he is so computer un-savvy.)
And Sunday was a great sort of lazy day at home.
I pre-made chili for tonight and a cheesecake for Katie's birthday dinner yesterday.
She told me she saw where you could make the crust from cinnamon rolls, so we decided I would try it.
I am always game for experiments!
 I took the cinnamon roll dough (2 cans worth- are they called cans that these pre-made, pre-sliced rolls come in?) and sliced each cinnamon roll in half to make them thinner. Then I pressed them into the bottom of   my cheesecake (or removable bottom) pan.
 Then I mixed my cheesecake mix- 2 8ounce boxes of cream cheese, 3 eggs, 1 cup sugar, 1 tsp. vanilla, 2 tablespoons of flour.
 I poured the batter in the pan over the rolls and added some butter and brown sugar mixture- (I mixed the butter and brown sugar together in a separate bowl before adding) and then used a knife to swirl that butter-brown sugar mixture throughout the cheesecake mix.
 I baked this for almost an hour at 350 degrees,  and here's what it looked like finished
(and a few bites taken...) with a dab of  added whipped cream,
I bet it would taste good with a streusel topping too.
Maybe I'll have to have some of this for breakfast today before work...
not really nutritious
or good for a waistline
but does taste a bit like breakfast.
Make it an interesting Monday.
Hope to have you drop by again soon.

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