Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Not My Style Really

Here's a page I started when I took the class with Dyan Reavely a few weeks back.
Then of course I needed to finish it.
So I added lots of colors and the cut out man and the title.
What I am loving a lot if my lettering on my title.
Who knew I could write so neat and
Not moi.
I had a lot of fun making the page.
And when you go to a class and not do things your own way you can learn a new trick
or two that you can add to your own repertoire.
To your own style.
I've got to start taking more classes-
but it is so easy to let a lot of time go by between them.

Taken any good classes lately?
Any recommendations?
Enjoy your day
and I'm glad you took a moment and stopped by.

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