Sunday, December 22, 2013

A Day Out and About

Would you like to join me for a short recap of my day yesterday?
It was a beautiful day-
look how warm it got.
It was just the other morning when my car thermometer would read -11 degrees Fahrenheit.
Typical New England. Just wait a day and the weather will be different.
We're suppose to have an ice storm today-
but since I wrote this post last night and scheduled it for this morning, I can't tell you if we have or ice or not.
Anyhow, back to our day out yesterday. After going to Costco to get stocked up on a few things we needed, we
 met with the rest of my husband's family and we went out to lunch at the Portsmouth (New Hampshire) Brewery.
We are a good looking group I think.
I had this yummy burger- well it was chorizo burger with a fried egg and peppers and cheese-oh man, delicious.
It was nice to walk around outside after eating that big lunch.
It was free parking Saturday, so downtown was very crowded. The parking garage was, as you can see, full. 
Plus it was fun to see the shop windows and the Christmas trees and to people watch a little bit.
Plus get some errands done. A great way to start my vacation.
Also a great way to celebrate what this season is all about, spending time and sharing smiles with people we love.
And today, ice storm or not, I am hanging home. I can't wait to do that either.
Hope its the kind of day you want to have too.
Thanks for visiting.

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