Friday, December 13, 2013

Art Journal Every Day

Friday the 13th. Oh my. 
 I'm in a  holly jolly mood lately and have been making more holiday themed journal pages.
The color of my photo is kind of icky...its those dark New England days- by the time I get home from work its already very dark. Using non-natural light doesn't make my page colors very true to life.
Doesn't show the sparkles on my ornaments very well either.
But this page makes me laugh, and it was a lot of fun to make.
The ornaments, candy canes, star, moose and deer are all images from Paper Smooches, as are the words I repeatedly stamped. The holly is from Dylusions.
The color on this page is pretty poor too. You can barely see the stenciled trees- stencils from Stencil Girl.
Same page, I enhanced the colors on Photoshop so this is a bit more purple than the real page but closer in color than the view above,, but you can see the sparkling lights (image from October Afternoon) and the trees a little better.  Plus I had stamped some white snowflakes, and you can see those here too.
So the college girl moved home for the mid-semester break tomorrow! 
I am excited and not. Yes, it is true, you can have an emotion and opposite of it at the very same time. She's gonna need a few days to readjust.
Me too.
And then come January when it is time for her to go I will be SOOOO sad.
They're saying we might/will get some SNOW this weekend.
Not the little dustings we've had, but real snow.
Got to watch the forecast because you just can't trust those weather people until we get right there.
Maybe though we'll end up with a white Christmas.
Plus its suppose to come tomorrow night right when one of my co-worker's is having a holiday party which I am looking forward too-and he lives over an hour away from me.
So I'm off for another day of work.
Meeting some friends for an early dinner which I am looking forward to too.
Hope you get to do something fun today-
whatever it is that tickles your fancy.

1 comment:

  1. Ah the pleasures of trying to get photos to work! Even overhere in sunny Australia it sometimes is difficult. Love the pages.


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