Monday, December 2, 2013

Greetings From Vermont

Ok, actually I am back home in New Hampshire, but we had a great little weekend jaunt to our neighbor state.
Only 3 bad things-
1) I had a BIG case of laryngitis. Hate when I can't talk! 
2) Our team lost both Friday and Saturday night hockey games.
Friday could have been anyone's game, but Saturday, not so much.
and 3) It got REALLY cold.
Welcome to winter.

We didn't expect it to be so wintery, and man, did it get cold with a raw wind blowing off of Lake Champlain too.
Not that it stopped up from having a good time.
We spent the weekend in the northwest corner of the state in the biggest city-Burlington. Burlington is a great little city, with a very funky and fun downtown. It was super cold so I didn't take a lot of photos, but I love this guy in this mural. Just adorable. Vermont is known for its dairy farms, and so I think this is a great photo.
Its also known for this.

We went and took the tour, even though we had done it before when Katie was little. Had a taste of some mint ice cream and got to hear how the original cow mobile caught on fire during their first road trip to sell their ice cream and came down with the nick name of Baked Alaska.
Burlington is also home to lots of great microbrews.
We toured one- Switchback Breweries.
Mega-giant fermenters.  Great microbiology...ok, I am getting bio-geeky right now.
The front beer is my first taste of Switchback Ale Friday night dinner before the tour and before the hockey game.

After the game Friday we bought some of this beer and had it back in our room. My hubby and I traveled with his sister and her husband, which was fun. They like hockey and beer like we do.
This was also a very good brew.

We had lunch as this place in Burlington called Sweetwaters and I had another Switchback with my burger.
And no, we did not get drunk and  no, we didn't drink all weekend.
And our final views were some funny faces from the hockey games-
The Maine Black Bears (that's us- we're alums) versus the University of Vermont's Catamounts.
Me and the hubby.

Me and my sister-in-law Laurie.

And Dave and I Saturday night-it was SOOOOOO cold. Never even took my coat and hat off. In our hotel room all you could hear  Saturday night was the sound of the wind howling. Luckily we could turn up the room heat and pull up the extra blanket and snuggle off into dream land.
Even though we lost both games -
(Friday it could have gone either way and we lost 3-2 but Saturday Vermont definitely outplayed us. I think the score was 5-2- Vermont. 
That's a short form wrap up of our 3 day, 2 night trip.
Was good for the soul,
although I wish I didn't have to work today and had one more day off at home before going back to work.
But its only 3 weeks until my holiday break.
Guess I've gone on quite enough.
Thanks for visiting me.

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