Friday, December 20, 2013

Holiday Journal Pages

This time of year is so busy I haven't had as much studio time as usual. What with work, shopping, wrapping gifts, working on the gingerbread house, baking for parties, hanging with the family, shoveling...
you get my drift and probably have the same things on your list too.
So I have squeezed in a bit of time to keep up with with my holiday journal. One nice thing about smaller pages is it is quicker to do layouts.
The top layout is a 3 "page" spread. I used photos, some die cuts, some cool little shiny plastic snowflakes, stamping and an October Afternoon tag that I cut apart and used the words. Oh yeah, and stickers.
And here is 2 pages, which were pretty narrow so I worked on them on their sides. I stenciled the ornaments long before I added the photos, too bad, but it works. (The stencil is the scraps left over from a Memory Box advent calendar die that cuts out lots of little numbered ornaments- only what's left on your original paper is all these little ornaments. Makes a great little stencil. The Christmas cheer image is a stamped from Technique Tuesday-Allie Edwards that I love.
And this page is actually 2 pages- the present part at the bottom folds down and you get to see my gingerbread page below.
The page for Dec. 16 was super easy- some wrapping paper, some yarn, a pre-made bow and a tag that I put together.
Not the best photo, but another page. This is part of a 2 page spread but I need to photograph that. Thought I'd give you this peek.
So that's my post for this Friday. Last day before my break- party day at school. I am SOOOO READY for a vacation...2 weeks of real down time.
Have a super super Friday.

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