Thursday, December 5, 2013

More Holiday Journal Peaks

More holiday journal views for you today.  This is the spread I made of our trip to Vermont last weekend.
 Tags and some stickers and a button. I also  taped in this post card from Ben and Jerry's.
I used lots of paraphernalia that I managed to collect over the weekend.
 Tickets  from the hockey games, a sticker I picked up at the brewery tour and even these 2 flags that came in the burgers Dave and I had for lunch on Saturday.
I had bought this cool die from Die-versions awhile back, called the north wind, I love it. 
Worked perfect on this spread indeed!

Am happy with this spread.  I wanted to add some little photos, so I put them on the back. I made them super small so I could fit a lot in. And that works great for me since I am trying to make this more journally than scrapbooky. But one must have some photos in there, if its a holiday remembrance that is.
So I put in some small ones, which I will show you layout another day.
Keeping this short and sweet-
Have a super Thursday all.

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