Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Foodie Cards

Ok, a couple of pretty uncomplicated cards today. I like simple cards. I made these last weekend, perfect to send to my daughter at college. It if I go simple, I can make several cards and have my stash made for her at school. She'd rather get a bunch than get a few.
All words and images are from Paper Smooches.
This is the set I used called Calorie Free.
This second card is about as simple as you can get. The only thing I did was cut out the sushi image and color the image too.
Still, even without a whole lot of creativity behind it all, it works.
And I think the saying on the card says what it is.
So if you make cards, do you like them simple or layered with lots of details.
(My layered with lots of details cards just look kind of too busy and too much.)
Well that's all for me from the cold Northeast.  Have a super duper day.

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