Saturday, January 11, 2014

Recommended Reads

I just read this book.
And I found it enjoyable. Beethoven, a European city, a crazy US senator, a likable heroine, art, history, a little romance, time travel...what more could you want?
I had picked this book up at Costco, along with the next book in this "series"...
I am excited to have another book to read which will hopefully be as good-in fact, it got 4 1/2 stars on Amazon.
I don't usually read 2 from the same author back to back, I usually find that I get a little bored in the second book, but I am hoping not to this time.
In fact, I can't wait to start it.
Here's a link to some interesting reading about books and movies for 2014.
Have you read anything good lately?
Let me know if so- I'm always looking for a good read.
Busy weekend ahead so I am off and running.
Thanks for visiting.

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