Monday, February 3, 2014

Arty Sunday

I love Sundays when I can have a big chunk of studio play time.
Sit in my pj's, play with paints, inks and stamps...
there's nothing better for my soul.
I had this background already made, and I added the cool swirls.
I just got this stamp set last week, and it was my first chance to play with them
Dylusions - Cling Rubber Stamp Set - Doodled Delight
They are part of Dyan Reavely's new spring 2014 release. I didn't do much with them other than to color and then stack them, but it gave me a chance to check out the images a bit and see just what I can do with them. On this wild background they pop out and don't make my page too too busy. I decided to use some green and blue because that would keep the background colors bright and bold.

So another week is winding up...everything is starting up...sounds like we might get some wintery weather here in New Hampshire this week.
It will be what it will be though
and I can't do all that much about it.
Not much else new here in the Granite State or with me.
Hope your week gives you a peek of spring
and thanks for stopping by.

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