Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Journal Backgrounds-More!

So yesterday I told you about my Sunday experimentation and play time using High Gloss medium and stencils in journal pages.
I also played with light moulding paste too.

I used this and some stencils and both blank journal pages and some already painted journal pages.
Here's some results I got.
Stencilled and dried on a blank page. Then I added some paint over the background. I stenciled the orange dots and then used a dirty baby wipe and the same stencil to add the darked rubbed circles on the bottom left and top right corners.

Letters stenciled in purple and then sprayed with 2 Dylusions Inks.

Just sprayed with Dylusions Inks.

I love the texture it gives, not so shiny like the high gloss medium- but makes sense, eh? I used a ring stencil (it is a Coral stencil actually) from Artistcellar Stencils and I love how it makes the centers darker as there is no medium there.
product image
I think I'll be using more of these 2 mediums in my journal pages.There are awfully fun to play with.
If you know any other medium tricks, I would love to hear them. Trying to expand my repertoire of techniques.
Maybe today I'll feel more ambitious after work and came home and play.  Yesterday I was beat- ended up being a busy busy Monday, so I came home and took a long nap!
Thanks for stopping by.

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