Saturday, February 22, 2014

See You Soon

I'm off this afternoon! Getting away from this cold New Hampshire weather and this typical late February season. This is a much needed emotional pick up from my soul which just feels very drained and unenthused by much lately.
I am SOOOOOOO excited to go away!
But SOOOOOOOOOOO sad the hubby won't get the time off as he has a huge project he needs to finish up.  So plans have changed a bit, and I am going alone. But at least (if you look for silver lining) I am going to still visit our friends and I'll get away for the week and get away from this winter weather! But still sad the hubby can't come to have all this fun with me.

If you haven't figured it out, I have major travel addiction.
Never more needed than right now.
Going to take a little blogging break-if I get a chance before I leave I might have a pre-post or 2 but I'll have tons to show you and tell you about once I get home.
See you later alligator.

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