Thursday, February 6, 2014

Snow Day-part 1

Yesterday we got a good dumping of snow during the day so school was cancelled and I got to spend the day home.
Even though I need to make the day up in June now (boo-hiss), I did have a great day home.
So I ordered this Wonderbag from Amazon a couple of weeks ago. Have you heard of these? Tried them?  I saw them on Amazon and did a bit of research- it is an insulated bag. It works by holding in heat and so when you make food that needs a long cooking time, like chili or yogurt, the bag holds in the heat and the food cooks without having to leave the stove on or use a crock pot which does use electricity.
It was developed by a South African woman to aid other African woman who need a lot of fuel to cook their food. This way they can conserve fuel by first getting their meal heated to boiling and then they can finish cooking in the bag-which conserves fuel. because the bag holds in the heat.
When you buy one on Amazon another one goes to an African woman. Kind of like the way Toms shoes work.
I am all for that.
So it came last weekend and I decided to try out some chili yesterday since I was home and could get the chili cooking in the morning.
 First you cook it on the stove-brown the meat, cook down the onions and peppers,  add the tomatoes and spices.
 Then the pot goes into the bag, which you close over.
And it sits like this all day.  I could smell the chili cooking and feel some heat from the bag.
When I took the pot out of the Wonderbag 8 hours later the pot was still very hot and my chili was perfectly cooked!!!
I don't think the Wonderbag is for every meal, and but for things like chili, I'd give it an A+ review.
Have a great day!

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