Friday, March 21, 2014

Art Journaling

Here's a couple of journal pages I have recently worked on.
This top page is made with several scraps- like the orange circle (really an o) from a bag from the Georgia O'Keeffe museum (from my New Mexico trip), and the left over die cut clouds from another project. I actually cut the Salvador Dali photo from the hotel magazine also on my trip- I spent the last night alone at a hotel near the Albuquerque airport since I had an early morning flight home.  Did a lot of travel journaling that night, and found this photo in a magazine I had picked up, and I rather liked it.
Not sure this page really says anything, except my attempt at surealism, but exactly a very strong point with me.
I am not weird enough I think for that-
though I  am pretty weird sometimes.

This page took me back to a Rick Steves travel brochure that arrived in my mailbox. LOVE the people images, as you may have noticed from some early journal posts if you ever stopped by before.
This flamenco dancer really worked on this page. The barcodes are cut up luggage tags- the sticky kind the airlines put on when you check luggage.
I've definitely decided my journal pages are more about the backgrounds than the items on top of them.

So today I am off for another busy weekend little adventure- hockey related again.
This time to Boston for the Hockey East playoffs. Sadly, my college team is not playing, but should still be a fun little adventure. Anything right now not to have to deal with the snow that is still on the ground at home-and the below normal temperatures that we've been having too.
And to think-it is actually spring.

Have a super day and thanks for visiting my blog.

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