Friday, March 7, 2014

Black and White on Color

So this week has not been a make art week, but it has been a clean up the studio a bit week.
It sure needed it too. Kind of embarrassing how messy it was.
Hope to get in and play this weekend and maybe finally get my table cleaned off!!!
(Kind of hate to admit that.)
But I've got a this page that I think is finished...
with me you never know.
I think this page might still need something, and maybe it will happen.
This is what happens when I see something I made up online. Photographs are very good ways for me to really see what I have made and to see if they are really done or not.
Funny how that is with me.  Is it true for you?  Or is it just because I've been an amateur photographer since I was about 8, and except that I take lousy art photos, I have a pretty good eye for other photographs.
This page has a bit of texture. I used some modeling paste and a butterfly mask from Tattered Angels. I sprayed an ink background and then some paint on a makeup sponge rubbed over the dried modeling paste to create a bit of depth.
Underneath that was a bit of wood grain which I used a stencil, paint and some modeling paste too.
The image is an old Shakespeare stamp-not the Bard himself but one of his classic characters by Stampsmith.
I got a couple of these stamps as part of a set on eBay a long time ago, and never used either.  But going through a bin of stamps awhile back I found them and said, hey, why not?  It fun to play with those stamps you really don't use much or haven't used in ages.
It actually makes a stunning image and I love how the black and white view looks on this colored background.
Looking at my photo, I think this page needs a more bold edge.
Into bold edges lately.
What have you been into lately?  I'd love to hear.

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