Monday, March 24, 2014

Last NM Travel Journal Post

OK, this is the last travel journal post. I have finished the book and I have added it to the stack of travel journals on my studio shelf.

 Snippets of collage, doodling, stickers, paint, stencils, cut up bags, whatever floated my boat.
I'll let you look without disturbing your view with a lot of chattering.

It is a journal, not a framable piece of art, but I really really liked how this one came out.  I love the color, the textures, the feel of New Mexico for me. I like the little notes I added too. And the pieces from my trip like the occasional postcard and the cut up bag, the fabric scraps (see the little Mexican Day of the Dead guy on the left of this photo right here) and some other odds and ends.
This is what is so much fun about a travel journal- its not a scrapbook but you get to do your little scrapping pieces. I actually started off my adult art craze as a scrapper, and I love to scrap, but my scrap pages are far more like journal pages than those neat and organized scrap pages.
Not my style.
Time to start planning my summer vacation I think.
Where to go?
Hope you stop by again soon.

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