Sunday, March 30, 2014

Summer Travel

Time to start planning.
Summer feels like its a long way off, but Tuesday is the first day of April. And in Northern New England April really means that spring is on her way. (Not that we can't get an April snowstorm- oh pray that doesn't happen this year since we haven't yet really had spring.)
But I bought tickets for a summer adventure the other day. Had a Southwest Airlines credit for my husband since he couldn't go to New Mexico with me back in February, and we had to use the credit by mid-August. Oh what a shame huh?  Having to get plane tickets and go on a trip.
The question was, where to go? He gets limited time off, and 10 days is about his max. I would love to drive to Alaska...ok...I like road trips. But we'd need more time.
And I haven't been to a lot of the states in the middle of the country, and I would love to get to all 50, but somehow that didn't seem like the trip for right now.  Too much driving about, and so the hubby goes back to work all exhausted...
And Southwest doesn't fly to Hawaii- or Newfoundland which is where I really thought we might go.The Canadian Maritimes are very appealing to me. I do like to go someplace off the beaten track.
Hey, wait a minute.
So forget the new states and the off the beaten track.
We haven't been to the Seattle area...and there are lots of National Parks (we love doing Parks) in a few hours drive. Plus there's something exciting about a city with so many cultural things to check out. We could even road trip to Victoria or Vancouver, British Columbia and maybe even Portland, Oregon, all places on my bucket list.
So tickets bought for Seattle for July.
I am looking for advice where to go and where is a good place to stay.
I am hoping to rent a place for maybe the whole trip or maybe a good part of the trip, where we can home base. Maybe near the water. Any place else that might be good?
Pass any suggestions my way.
Trip planning research has started on my end.
I've already bought one general intro guide.
I love trip planning!
Thanks in advance for any suggestions you can pass my way.

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