Monday, March 3, 2014


So yesterday was a super lazy Sunday. I usually love those kind of days and play for hours in my studio, but just getting home from my travels on Saturday night, I didn't really feel ambitious enough to do anything more than nap and twiddle about on the computer while watching useless tv from the couch. Plus I really need to do some cleaning in there-
how could happen since I wasn't home all week? Studio gnomes I guess.
So here's one of my journal pages from a few weeks back that I haven't posted yet.
Played with light modeling paste and lots of paints, plus these fun stamps from Chocolate Baroque.
Love the texture.
Love the color scheme too.
Mermaid A5 Unmounted Rubber stamp Collection
Here's the 3 stamp set these images are from.
(I got them back in January when the whole store was 25% off.)
So its back to work...
Enough said about that.
Thanks for stopping by.


  1. AMAZING - a dreamy scene ... fabulous -- I adore all the yummie textures on this piece!UNIQUE!

  2. Lovely colours and picture, a beautiful Sea Fantasy.


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