Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The Way to Start a New Year

Yes I know it is March 5, not January 1.  But for me, with yesterday being my birthday, it is the start of a new year. I was born at 11:25 PM, so it really is a new day and a new year for me.
I'm not a coffee drinker, but I love a good cup of tea.
I took all these photos on my New Mexico trip last week-
 and drank a lot of great cups of tea.

 And sometimes a cup of tea was not for starting a day but to sweeten up the afternoon. After some shopping fun...a little pick me up.
 LOVE Chai Latte.
Trader Joe's makes a great instant mix. 
Just in case your home and not out at the Taos Cow in Arroyo Seco, New Mexico.
And this chocolate espresso cake from the Counter Culture-
oh man oh man-
decadent and delicious.
A little taste right now would do me good...even if it is only breakfast time.
Simmer some Lady Grey (a favorite) tea bags  and have a sip for a good day.
That's what I am going to do since I don't have any of this cake.
Have yourself a cup of your favorite hot drink and
have a good one.

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