Friday, April 11, 2014

A Little Too Busy

In these photos, this page looks way TOO busy. In my journal, it doesn't look too bad.
I think its the peacock that doesn't work.
But it is a journal page and that means it doesn't have to be a framable pretty piece. I was going for a rough natural kind of look, rather arts and crafty, but  it didn't come out that way.
Photos always seem show you a different view of your piece.
Now I think its the big blue flowers, which I really like, but they change what feeling this page has.
They're a little lighter and perky and playful, not the feel for the rest of the page.
A journal page!
 A place to play and learn some new things.
Sometimes all the pieces don't go the way you think they will and this is one of those for me.
Always a strange feeling to make something from your heart and head, to make something that is a piece of you and yet it feels so much like a stranger.

I love the blue Stickles around this peacock.
Would be great on a card.
Posted to Art Journal Every Day.
That's it for me today.
Thanks for coming by.


  1. That's the beauty of art journaling. Every spread is welcome even if it differs from what we meant to make. I like your page and especially the girl who seems to appear from the deep woods. Happy PPF!

  2. Beautiful page, love the colours. Valerie

  3. Yes I love that blue glitter on the peacock too!! When you look back you may see all kinds of tell tale signs on this pretty journal page. That is the beauty of them!

    Hugs Giggles

  4. Oh goodness...this page is so rich, and truly beautiful!!

  5. I like the page, the colours and all of the elements . Maybe the girl and the peacock are competing a little and it's probably the peacock as you say but not sure how to change it.
    Toning down the peacock's pattern might work, just a thought.

    Annabelle : )

  6. Busy? Maybe... Full of energy and life? Definitely!

  7. I know exactly what you mean about photographing the pages - they look different somehow through the lens. I love the blue, green, and white texture in the background of this page.

  8. There's so much that's lovely on the page, the flowers really are perky and I like that backround. What you say about art journaling is just how it is - so often it just doesn't come out as its meant to! And it doesn't matter :)

  9. smashing page. Happy PPF, Annette x

  10. Journals are indeed for experimenting. I love that blue color and the peacock with the stickles is great - I am a sucker for bling!


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