Monday, April 7, 2014

Another Painting

I've started another painting.
This one is in really ROUGH form right now, a cat with 2 tails, but the tall tail will disappear once I add some more grass and blooms to this.  At first I was thinking about making a standing cat, but then I decided he needed to be laying. The tail didn't fit into the new cat form, so there's still a little orange wisp where it would have been, had he still been standing.
Maybe I'll keep the 2 tails and turn it into some kind of abstract piece.
I am happy with the cat. He's my cat, Leo. Needs a few more details and little adjustments, but then I can go ahead and focus on the grass and flowers I want to add. I know I'm not the most sophisticated painter, but I am a beginner and so I am happy with I have learned and am still learning.
Besides, I paint for fun. For me.  
This painting will be called Jungle Cat.

So its Monday- another week. We're finally into spring, and to prove to me that it is really spring (even with snow still on the ground), my phoebe couple returned to their nest under the eaves of my husband's workshop this past weekend.
(Cornell Ornithology Lab photo)
That is a very exciting sign.
I am guessing birds have some kind of sense and know when the weather really has changed and its time to come back north. Some years this couple (or their grandparents, parents...) are back earlier in March and sometimes a little later, but they are back now, so that must mean it is really SPRING.
Exciting things happening.

Thanks for visiting today.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Erika! Thanks for leaving me a comment - so nice to hear from you. I've been remiss in visiting any blogs and I enjoyed looking through your posts - I really love your collages. Looks like you've had some fun! Can't wait to see what you choose to do with your cat's painting. If I tried painting with my cats as models, I'd end up with little footprints all over the painting - eek! Take care!


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