Saturday, April 26, 2014

I'm on Vacation!!!

Not trying to rub it in, but my spring break starts today. 
No big plans-
in fact I haven't really decided exactly what I am going to do, but I do have a list of things I'd like to do.
I pulled this book off my shelf and decided I am going to make an explorer journal. Won't finish it next week but plan to start it, and hopefully do LOTS of art.
Main goal-to get a bunch of studio time.
I need to do some summer trip planning.
Maybe a few small chores- like painting around a closet so some new trim can get put up and finish doing my clothes change over-maybe I'll even clean some more in the studio (which has slowly been my on-going project since the start of the year).
Cook a few yummy things.
Get out walking every day.
Go visit my mom for a day.
I'd like to go out for a day or 2 on some small adventures.
And once the weather gets back into sunny and warm (which I hope it will) and not so windy, do a bit more yard work.
Maybe even get my screen porch opened up for the season.
And who knows what else????
I might not do any of this list but I might do it all.
Isn't that the beauty of having a week off with no big plans?
I think that potential is VERY exciting.
I've also finished reading this book.
Didn't even know there was a rally from Peking (Beijing) to Paris but I guess there is one every few years. The first was in 1907 (or 1908, numbers don't always stay in my head), and then they skipped a whole lot of years until 1997, and 2007, and then 2013 and the next one will be 2016.
This book was interesting and I learned a lot about the race and about how the author had a lot of stress with her role as a navigator.
It is quite the undertaking and this book told me a lot about all of that.
I could have used a bit more about the trek, but there was enough to spur me to look up more about this race and I found this book written about the 1997 race. The author is English and is a novelist, although this book is not a novel and she actually was a navigator on the race- like Dina Bennett was too.
This book is a little better written- as the author is a novelist of several books and obviously has more writing experience, but I wouldn't put the first book down as poorly written.
So now I am reading about this race in another time through another woman's eyes.
I have another book I want to read while I'm off too.
They're saying not so wonderful weather through Tuesday at least so I'm hoping to make some reading time.
So that's what's going on in my life.
Doesn't sound like much but I am ready to relax a little bit and break up the usual routine.
Everybody needs that every now and again just to get recharged.
How about you?
What's on your agenda?
Hope you stop back soon.

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