Tuesday, April 15, 2014

More Dabbling with Doodling

Remember last week I showed you some views from a drawing journal? This journal is one I had done and then stuffed in a drawer. Lost in time that journal was, until I unearthed it last week. Like an archeologist finding some artifact buried in the earth, I found this book in buried in the back of a drawer.
You can check out the link above if you'd like to.
So here's a few more views of my lovely practice doing Zentangle back in 2010.

 And some plain old sketching and doodling.
 I really like these spoons a lot.
And I can be a little bit silly sometimes too. These crazy caterpillars on the right side-they look like something from a wacko weird children's book.
My sketching feelings are that I want to be able to draw things while not necessarily getting that particular item exact. I want the feel of it, not the scientific perfect sketch. But a close match.
What I'd really like to be able to do is keep a sketch journal when I travel, but we  never seem to sit down long enough to really sketch a place. And my drawings skills need a lot of work to get to the point where a sketch journal of my trips would really look like the place.
Think I'll stick with my camera.
If you have any tips for doing a travel sketch journal, I'd be glad to hear them.
Thanks for stopping by.

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