Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Vacation Bliss

Vacation weeks seem to fly. Already Wednesday, really? Had a great trip to my Mom's down in Massachusetts yesterday. We chatted up a storm and went out to lunch. Mom is 84 and sometimes a bit forgetful, so its nice to chat and not really notice any signs of that. 
Mom lives down in Central Massachusetts, so being 2 hours south there is so much more blooming and greening up than here in my neck of the woods in New Hampshire.

So great to see the spring flowers and little leaves starting to pop out. Spring sure is an exciting time of year.
Even though it was cloudy and only 43 degrees yesterday.
So here's my plans for today.
Studio time! So excited to have several hours of my day all to myself in my play space. Been feeling lately like I haven't had even close to the amount of studio time that I want, and I am hoping this week makes up for that.
I need to make a quick run to the grocery store also and am thinking of hitting up Redbox and renting a movie or two to watch later on too. Its suppose to be chilly, grey and a little showery today so I am all for these big adventures.
I think I am going to spend most of the next 2 days at home and just be able to watch the rain falling outside. No need to get out of my pjs if I don't feel inclined. I don't get to just hang out at home and on these grey vacation days, nothing is better. Sip tea, watch movies, get inky painty fingers, take naps and read my book.
Au revoir for today.

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