Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Beautiful Evening Photos

After graduation last Saturday we went out this gorgeous old hotel and resort to have a celebratory dinner.
This is the Wentworth by the Sea in Newcastle, New Hampshire. Dinner was absolutely delicious.

I also tried this new local beer which I had never heard of. I really liked it.
 After dinner  we walked down to the waterfront and around the grounds. It was a beautiful evening and made for some pretty photos during our walk.

It should be called Wentworth on the Sea. They have a private marina that some very large and ultra expensive yachts dock at during the summer. We see them when we cruise by in our little boat. But the Saturday night shadows made some beautiful views.

This magnolia was shedding petals and made such a pretty pink carpet.
In the evening shadows the resort grounds were quite photogenic. 

It was a really nice evening out to celebrate my daughter's new college degree.
Makes me excited to get out in our boat too- this weekend if the weather doesn't let us down.
Thanks for stopping by.

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