Friday, May 16, 2014

Blooms and Birds

This week has been too too busy. I was suppose to be home alone all week with the hubby off in Vermont for work but that fell through. Not that I mind him home, but now my evenings are more scheduled. OK, I can handle that, but work has been expanding all week  into super busy time (everyone wants something right now). This is what happens in May...with just over a month left of school.  Everyone tries to squeeze things in, and they need this and they need that. I get home wiped out and so therefore, my studio and work out time have been cut way down.
I did manage to make this journal page though. Kind of feels like my week. Lots of choppy and varied things going on.
Wish I could be on that plane (that wanting to go isn't helping being in place) and fly away from some this weeks craziness.
Tags are great though because you can sit down and make a full little mini-project, and then put them all together onto a page.
But I know you know that.
I posted this page on Paint Party Friday and Art Journal Every Day.
The best thing about this week so far has been the greening up of the earth in my neck of the woods.
And my bird feeder has been a very busy place too.

Love this. It is so exciting.
Thanks for visiting.
Hope you enjoyed your few minutes stopping by.


  1. Lovely tags and the birds are just wonderful, so sorry I can't see them here! Valerie

  2. Love the tag journal page Erika and thank you for sharing the beautiful photos. Happy PPF, Annette x

  3. Love your patterned tags, what a good idea to do small tags when you are pushed for time. I especially like the first two.
    What colourful birds you have in your area, a pleasure to see.

  4. great journal page using all those tags! I was thinking that the first bird shouldn't be on the hummingbird feeder. I haven't seen one of those here in PA so I must look him up. How cool that you captured the hummer!!! We have a female hanging around-haven't seen the male yet and have not been able to get a photo.But isn't it fun watching them? Happy PPF!

  5. Hey I know it is nice to have hubby gone. It just seems we get more done. LOL Love your art and the photos.

  6. Love the tags, they are all so cohesive on the pretty and I love your bird photos...they are so exciting close up!! Just gorgeous!!

    Hugs Giggles

  7. Great tags and the birds are totally awesome. Just beautiful.

  8. Love the tags, especially the middle one in the top row. Also really love the birds, I live in England where we don't these.

  9. Great tags and those birds are so beautiful... my goodness the colours are breathtaking.

  10. Great tags, and such lovely bird photos! So sweet! Thank you for your kind words and happy PPF!


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