Saturday, May 3, 2014

Exquisite CookBooks, No Take That Back, Travel Books

Have any of your heard of Tessa Kiros? Checked out her cookbooks?
They are amazing. Not only are there many recipes (and the ones I've tried wonderful), but the photos are pure eye candy.
In a major way.
Its like taking a little trip from the comfort of your couch to the places she writes about. 
Her cookbooks are printed on thick old style paper and are filled with colored photos and nostalgia. And beauty. Even if you don't cook, you could read these cookbooks and take a little trip.

These are the ones I am lucky enough to own.  I want the Venice and Greek ones.
Here's some photos I snapped randomly from the books I have.

Makes me want to go pack my suitcase and stow aboard some old time sailing vessel for the old country. Be some international wandering hobo.
Some day I won't be tracked into a school schedule and I can travel in May or September or whenever the travel bug bites me.
Monday I have to go back to work and vacation has been so much fun that I'm not sure I really want to go back.
Been watching lots of Rick Steves as I work out lately and wish I had the rest of the year off and a big European trip planned.
Oh well.  Summer isn't that far away. No Europe this year but thinking that next year I need to push it up as a priority.
Think I'll go plan my next cooking adventure. That isn't tied to vacation weeks.
Thanks for visiting and come back again soon.

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