Friday, May 9, 2014

Here Comes the Sun

My sun craving journal pages continue. Sunshine and warmth are high on my soul craving items right now. Do you ever have soul cravings?  Like food cravings, soul cravings  are things your soul really needs to carry on. Something deep and internal and necessary for being at this moment in time.
I sometimes make journal pages that are just about using things like stamped images or paint and stencils and I sometimes make journal pages that are me talking. Is that what you do too?
I love this giant sun image from Impression Obsession. I colored with it a water brush and some Dylusions spray ink. It makes one hot sizzling summer sun.
Love it.
One of these days I am going to be able to sit in some warm sun that will heat me up right to my bones. Just for a little bit.
Then I will get another but different soul craving.
What are you soul craving lately?

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  1. Wonderful page, love the sunny colours, they always do me good! Valerie

  2. Yes my soul has many creative cravings from painting, to rhyming, crocheting to playing the piano to listening to a Beatles tune..The urges are impatient and strong..Love this!

    Hugs Giggles

  3. Sun, what's the sun?!!! I think I saw it last week. I'll come and look at your lovely sun painting, it' s warming.

  4. I'm craving the sun too :) Super page! Lovely and bright :)

  5. I can just feel that lovely warm sun coming from your beautiful page-love it!!

  6. Oh man, I love that song! The sun stencil is great, and I love the idea of using a water brush with the Dylusions ink. I would not have thought to do that!

    I am craving Red Vines lately - and maybe that doesn't qualify as a soul craving, but man, for some reason, it feels like one, like I need them at some very profound level! Hope you get lots of sunshine!

  7. Love your sun. Some warmth would be nice here too.

  8. Beautiful page, love the warmth it radiates.

    Annabelle : )

  9. This is beautiful. Yes soul cravings. I am with you some sun would be nice.


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