Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Today's Journal View

Another work week gearing up here in New Hampshire.
Nice for me to know the school year is in its final weeks. BUSY weeks ahead though.
My long holiday weekend (Memorial Day) was nice. The weather wasn't as gorgeous all weekend as we hoped, but it was a big furniture weekend in my house. New bed, new dresser, picking up clutter and doing a bit of rearranging. Love all those house changes and will have photos to show you another day.
Was a  very good weekend even if it wasn't very summer-like.
So today a view of a journal page.
Lots of bright color and flowers and doodling.
Flowers are stamped from Dyan Reavely's new flower set and then I set to work with a white pen and some SILKS paints to give them their final appearances. Colors kind of washed in the photos; the orange way overshadows them, but the petals are a wine red and there are dark mallard blue centers.
Not the most complicated page, but was very therapeutic and fun to make.
That's it for me this Tuesday.
Hope you day is filled with lots of bright colors, flowers and maybe even some doodling.
Thanks for visiting.

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