Tuesday, June 3, 2014

A Yellow House

We launched our boat the other day-finally! It was so fantastic to spend an afternoon on the water in the sunshine. We went out and anchored for a bit, had a picnic lunch and laid around. My hubby stretched out on the floor and fell asleep and daughter fell asleep curled up on her seat. I read. It was heaven!!!!!! I needed to feel the sun and the gentle rolling of the boat on the water. It was so good for my head.
Then we took a cruise down the river. I had my camera and my zoom lens and took some artsy interesting photos of this yellow house.

This is the Wentworth-Coolidge Mansion,  a New Hampshire landmark and state park. It is old- built and first lived in in 1695. That's a long time ago! I think its a fascinating building, with all the different roof lines and windows. One of these days I am going to take a tour, maybe this summer. I really want to see what the inside is like.  And since I always see this building from the water, I would love to see the water from this building.
Is there any place you have seen a lot but still have more to learn about?
Have a great day.

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