Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Bulldozer Ha Ha

This little yellow sign (center of page) was on my daughter's dorm door, and she wanted to throw it away! I thought it would make a cute centerpiece for a journal page. It tells a college story. I remember all the little things my roommate and I put on our door. This might bring a smile to my daughter's face in the future if she looks through my journal. It makes me laugh-as silly as it is- and this page brings a smile to my face right now, even if the photo is a little out of focus.
Background was made with heavy gel, spray ink, stencils and some paint. I used some October Afternoon stickers and journaling tags and some leftover paper strips. I also die cut the rings. I colored them red, and luckily had a Copic marker that matched the red ring around the circle journaling sticker. I thought the western theme with the Happy Trails sticker is perfect- especially as the college years had wound down and she was on her way to new post- college adventures.
This week has been crazy for me. Last full school week- so much going on since graduation is on Friday.
I will be glad when it is all wrapped up. All I can say is I am so ready for some me time.
How about you? Do you get enough me time?
Thanks for visiting.

1 comment:

  1. I am making a time to make things. When I can't make anything, I gets irritated and upset. Love the page you made. It is the small things we value are the interesting part on the making.
    A little later, when we look through the pages, we can re-live the happy moments again. Of Course, your daughter is going to smile when she look though your journal.
    Thanks for sharing


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