Thursday, June 26, 2014

From the Water

Here's this week's on the water photos. We went out this past Saturday and although not warm enough to swim, it was a gorgeous day! 

We anchored nearby to fish also. I like to fish, especially when we catch something. Mackerel were biting like crazy and I had my first ever striper encounter, a bite at my bait, but no big catch for us. That disappointed the hubby, poor guy.  He really wants a fish! 
 Yup it is summer. Tour boats are out.
And more fishermen.
And fishing birds drying their wing.
Another very cool weathervane. I showed you a couple last week. But then I spied this one on this beautiful architectural tower.

Deserted barns on little rocky islands.

And barns on wharfs along the river.
 More birds.
Girls having a heart to heart on the jetty.

And a wall of brick windows.
A view or 2  of old town Portsmouth.

You saw this view already, but now with a speedboat. It is a busy river.
 And here's the tour boat again, different view.
 I know, there was a lot of photos. I took over 300 and managed to weed out about 25 that I liked. Thank goodness for digital photography and the delete button.
So today is NOT this kind of day in New Hampshire. Its wet and dark, but no matter what, it is a great day for me. Day one of my summer vacation! The best day of summer break, the start of it. The potential of the whole summer ahead.  Lots of dreams and wishes and plans...all of them might still come true!
Off to start my day. Hope to see you again later and
Hope your day allows you to have lots of dreams, wishes and plans which might also come true.

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