Sunday, June 29, 2014

People Watching

 When I go out fishing with my husband, I bring my camera and play. You may have read this from me before, but if not, its what I like to do. Every time we go I find something different to snap photos of. Yesterday, I went people watching.
Above, these people were in Portsmouth watching boats or seagulls or something in the river.
And look! We were anchored and fishing when this cute little boat pulled up behind us and tied to the mooring. Low and behold, it was a wedding. The groom, the guy in the white jacket at the front of the boat, was wearing beach shorts, which you can't see here. That's his bride next to him.
 Explorers on the jetty as the tide rolled out.
 I think a Grandpa and his grandson, but maybe he was the Dad, using their walking sticks to work their way out to the end.
Where this man was hoping to snag some fish.

And this one some rays.
This 2 guys were fishing in this little boat offshore a bit, not far, but I love how you can play with your perspective so it looks like they are way out at sea.

And this lucky dog was getting a treat by having a cooling off swim.
I miss my dog a lot right now, even though he hated the water.
Ans finally a beach walked in front of this gorgeous old house.
It promises to be another beautiful day in New Hampshire today. I have gardening to do and then most likely going up to my mother-in-laws. She lives on this little pond, and the hubby has to fix up her dock today so it'll be ready for the big family 4th of July cookout on Friday. Don't want anyone ending up in the ER.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

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