Sunday, June 8, 2014


It was a gorgeous day. Not too hot.  Not too cold.  Beautiful blue skies. A few puffy clouds.
You've got to love it.
I spent some of the morning working outside. I planted my veggie garden and the roses I picked up for 50% off at Lowe's yesterday to finish up my new rose garden.
The bushes need to grow a bit but I am very excited to see how pretty the memorial garden is going to be once everything has settled in, added a few inches and are in full bloom.
I picture a big thick hedge like garden.
Katie and I had ice cream frappes for lunch. This place had these big wide straws, perfect for a thicker than thick frappe.  Make mine coffee flavored.
 We were off to the big annual tent sale at a quilting/ knitting store about an hour away from the house. Then we were going to my Mother-in-laws.
There were lots of yarns and fabrics and other things marked down. I managed to find enough to spend some of my paycheck on.
I will say I LOVE digging through things at a big tent sale like this.
The thrill of the discovery.

 Not as crowded as it usually is though, maybe there were lots of graduations or maybe it was just so nice everyone was headed to the lake or the beach.
Usually it is a mad house with a cashier line about 50 people long.
It was nice to not have to fight the crowds of crazed crafty shoppers-
like me. Only some of them are way more crazier than me.
 And look who got in for her first swim of the year? Hubby told me the water was really cold but I didn't think it was that cold. Refreshing. 
 We had our first outdoor dinner at my mother-in-laws for the season. Some ribs. Was delicious.
Enjoyed eating outside and making the most of a beautiful early summer day.
And the day even ended with  a really perfect and pretty view.
Hope your Saturday was as good as mine.

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