Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Summer Days Journaling

This page went through a couple of editions before finally getting here. Now that I am here, it makes me smile. The other editions, well they weren't bad, but they just didn't feel right and finished to me. It didn't even need to change all that much-the face, a few stickers, some doodling...
I used a new sheet of paper and a lot of scraps on my table to make this page-love when I can clean up some mess and not just toss it into the trash.  I also used up a bunch of stickers from a half used up sheet of Basic Grey stickers I had. And the flower on the right is a leftover from when I was making spring blooms a while back.
I've been keeping my latest journal in a 3 ring binder. I like that format because I can add in things easier-this is a busy season and sometimes I want to insert a page or a piece of ephemera that fits in better in a different spot. I want this journal to flow with the summer, not be rigid day by day, but not be too crazy out of order chronologically either.
That's it for me today.
Hope yours is a good one.

1 comment:

  1. Love the page. I am thinking, you stamped the letters and cut them separately. Did you made it on watercolor paper? Am I asking too many questions?


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