Saturday, June 14, 2014

Sunday Chatting Over Tea

Have you ever read Louise Penny? She write the Inspector Gamache mystery series set in Quebec, Canada. Oh my, she is wonderful. I have read several of her books and am reading this one now. I was about 45 pages in, thinking this one might not be as good as the others, when wham, she made this twist that hooked me right in. All her books have been like that, with these twists and turns. And her characters, what can I say? Inspector Gamache is one of those men us middle aged women might dream about. Or at least this lady. Kind of reminds me of an intellectual George Clooney, at least in my mind.
And one great thing about reading a book is you can compare the characters to whoever you want.
And here's a knitting book I picked up cheap at a tent sale last weekend. I love going to this tent sale at Keepsakes Quilting. They have boxes of fabric scraps to paw through. For $6 you can take all you can stuff in a bag. I always find a bunch I can take home and use for a project or two. Then they have yarn-odd assorted balls marked down, and fabric bolts and lots of books and kits. If you go after noon on Saturday-which is the end of the sale- everything is an extra 20% off. The sale starts Friday and really gets picked over then, but I never go for anything in particular so I would rather get cheap than get first dibs more expensive. Actually I went once on Friday-the opening day- and I had to wait for 2 hours just to get into the tent-the line was SOOOO long.  I got this book this year-along with a couple of others. If you like intricate knits with a Celtic feel, this is a great book. I am hoping to actually knit something in here, sooner rather than later, even though I haven't been knitting all that much lately.
I also picked up this book. Another bargain. There's a hat in here I want to make (and a few sweaters). A couple of winters ago I made several tam hats and there's one in here I really want to make.
Add that to the list!
So tonight we finish up this season's Game of Thrones.
Have a few predictions what kind of cliff hangers we'll be left with.
And then next week, True Blood final season starts.
Am excited for that. This past week I have been rewatching last years episodes to get me all ready for next Sunday.
Beautiful day today- for Father's Day we are going out in the boat to make the hubby happy. His little girl is going with us too, which makes us both happy since now that she has moved out I'm happy to spend all the time with her that I can. Not that that is any different from before she moved out.
So hope you all get to have a nice Father's Day and Sunday and the rest of your weekend.
Thanks for visiting.

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