Thursday, July 24, 2014

A Lot of This and That

Today's post doesn't really have a focus. Just things to say and show you.
Warning- this will be a long post!
First of all- I want to talk about books. Takes my mind off my travel sickness.
I picked up this book while traveling at one of the National Park bookstores.  They had a display on nature journaling, and that's something (along with travel journaling) is something I'd like to try more and get a lot better at. Plus this book made a good plane read on the way home (since we spent about 8 hours on a plane).
Here's what I liked:
It take you from step one with lots of little lessons.
It shows you some scientific info so you can make your sketches more accurate.
Its got great little lessons.
My only complaint-it is written for real scientific illustration-so the focus is on accuracy. Although I am a biologist and know the need for scientific accuracy, this is not what I am looking for right now. I want to keep more of an artsy journal. But I just skimmed over that part.

Have you ever read this book? I've had it on my shelf for like 5 years and brought it on the trip. I am into it now, and enjoying it. May even want to read all the sequels to it too. My only complaint is that it is such a long book page wise, but not a hard read and am really enjoying it. More of a love story with lots of history and even some biology thrown in!

Last book in the All Souls trilogy that came out. My pre-order arrived while we were away so once I finish up Outlander, I am all about this!

The National Park bookstore where I bought the other illustration book had this book for sale too. I am cheap and ordered a decent used copy off of Amazon, and 
am waiting for it to arrive later this week. It looked really good, with more of the actual journaling aspect covered. (Whereas the first book was more about making the illustrations). Can't wait for it to arrive!

OK, I also must say I am having major trip withdrawals. This always happen. I am really happy to be home. But the trip is still fresh in my head. I am reliving all these events! So let me share a few more photos with you. Makes me happy.
Promise you that within another week (or less) I will be done sharing my travel snapshots!
We did a lot of driving through these cool mossy and lichen filled forests.

And did some hiking. These waterfalls at the Columbia River Gorge were beautiful. (But it was so crowded!)

And we tried out a lot of microbrews. This area (especially Portland, Oregon) is the microbrew capital of the world.
I snapped a lot of car photos. (The hubby doesn't like to stop at everything I want to take photos of. I understand too, because I am always like- oh-look at that!)
Isn't this a great old home in Astoria, Oregon?
We saw lots of mountains- can you see the road in this photo?
And visited the ocean.
And we visited a few museums. Yes, that is the Cowardly Lion costume from the Wizard of Oz.
And crossed some things of the bucket list.
Weren't we busy having fun!

And my poor kitty was really miserable at home. He was sticking to me all day yesterday. He just doesn't like to be alone, and this is the first time he's had to be. Last summer my other kitty was still here to keep him company. Felt bad to going to run a few errands and leaving him again yesterday-but I did need some groceries.
This is how he must of felt all week- even though he was at home and my daughter's boyfriend came over to see him and feed him every day.  (This photo is when he was crated to go to the vet back in May-just so you don't think I keep him cooped up all the time.)
And now I am adjusting to the time change and working on my travel journal. Working back into the swing of regular life.
Still good to be home!

1 comment:

  1. Love the picture of the gorge. It looks like just two of you... If you didn't mention how crowded it was, I was going to assume the you were the only people there.


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