Thursday, July 31, 2014

I Can't Be July 31 Already

Where did this month go? I don't want it to be August because I have to go back to work at the end of the month. I know, I shouldn't complain since I've had lots of summer down time. But still, you just know in the back of your head that the daily grind is on the horizon. That's the worst part of going back to work-getting back into a schedule.
But I am NOT going to write about that or even think about that anymore since I am still in summer mode!
Let me relive my travels which wrapped up just about a week ago (seems so much longer than that) and also show you a few other photos of my July adventures.
Those top 3 photos were from Washington State (Northern Cascades National Park) and this pretty photo is from maybe 45 minutes from my house. I did some hiking one day with a couple of my teacher friends and this was a view we discovered of Lake Winnipesaukee  and all the green summer trees here in New Hampshire.
I live in a big tourist area too.
And here are all the nieces, some of their boyfriends and the daughter hanging out on the dock of my mother-in-laws. They're all in their 20's except for one 17 year old. I remember being exactly there when I was in my 20's. Doing the same things they are.
Good memories.
My sister-in-law had the better seat on the dock that day and she took this photo. In mine you just see everyone's backs. 
And I've had a restaurant summer too-between traveling and spending time with family and friends, seems like I've gone out to eat a lot and have been trying new beers.
Its fun.
But not so good for the waistline.
And we haven't been out in our boat for what seems like forever! That's what happens when you go away for 10 days of the month I guess, plus throw in the 4th of July holiday, friends visiting and add in some family time too. Maybe tomorrow.
And that leads me to my August goals.
What I've wanted to do and haven't done yet!
Sewing machine projects. I really want to get sewing. I have some fabric for skirts and some arty projects I want to play with.
Bought this fabric over a few years at this big hospital sponsored flea market in my area. Time to use it and clean out a storage drawer.
Plus get that nature journal moving. Picked up this new small Dylusions blank journal the other day. Had thought about making a sketchbook, but then decided that I could get to sketching a lot quicker if I just purchased a sketch book. 
Hopefully I'll have some pages to show you soon.
So I'd love to hear about any exciting things you did during July or what you'll be up to in August.
Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see what you are going to make with the fabrics.


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