Monday, August 18, 2014

Low Key Weekend

This past weekend was low key. Fall feeling in the air, lots of grey skies. I ended up having to go get a new computer, and now I am getting used to this new Windows 8 operating system, installing programs, getting things back to the way I am used to them.Such a pain!
Yesterday I needed to go do something fun because I was just feeling kind of low. So the hubby and I went to visit the Wentworth Coolidge House. We go by this State Park all the time in the boat, and I have shown you photos of it from the boat before. But I have never had a chance to check it out up close.
Here's the post I showed you the house from the water back in June.

It is as much a labyrinth of rooms inside as it looks from the outside. In  typical Yankee New England style, the previous owners just added buildings they had moved from other places onto the original building and turned it into this interesting old place. It was first the home of the Wentworth family, home of a governor of New Hampshire, and then become the summer home of the Coolidge's.

Love this giant anchor and this giant chain.

 A real pretty view though, don't you think? 
I'm glad I got to finally check it out. Didn't totally knock me out of my blah mood, but still was a lot of fun.
And now, its the last week of my summer vacation. I want to go have whirlwind crazy fun week, wear this vacation me right out of my bones, but don't think that's in my cards. Hopefully it will be at least a little bit of crazy fun.
See you again soon.

1 comment:

  1. I love those shots of houses... especially the third and fourth - great perspective and composition. And thank for your visit (and comment ) to my new meme:)


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