Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Being the Homebody

Other than my mini-trip last weekend, life has been fairly quiet as of late. Work, a little shopping, lots of play time in my happy place, some reading and some cooking.  Been feeling the domestic goddess muse.
I already told you about making a lot of zucchini bread and pickles. Using up the garden bounty.
And I've also been in a cookbook reading mode. Can't get enough of them lately. I bought a new one that I absolutely love and can't wait to try several recipes.
Macaroni and cheese, along with the  Croque Madame,  pork with apples and a few other recipes I just gotta try. Love it when you find a book that is not only eye candy but also is one you really want to cook from.
And as you can probably guess from that comment, the photos are gorgeous too.
I also read a graphic novel.
Lucy Knisley wrote another graphic novel several years ago called French Milk.  It was set when she graduated from college and her mom was turning 50. They went and stayed in France for a month, and Lucy wrote the graphic novel about that journey.
This book continues her travels. She is now well into her 20's and off an a sort of solo European adventure.
I really enjoyed it.
Think I need to look into more graphic novels.
I also need to finish reading The Book of Life.
I am enjoying it but it not a fast read. Seems like I have been reading it forever! If I didn't want to know what happens in the end I would put it aside and start something else, because I am getting to that point. There's a little too much "stuffing" in between when things really happen. 
My opinion.
I had to stop and take a break, read a travel book- a series of articles from the LA Times way back in the early 2000's. A fast read-what I needed.

Anyhow, on to some art.
And to celebrate all this soulful harvesting, here's a journal page I made last week,. The bottom is a bit dark and the onion is a bit whited out, but you get the drift. I love this big onion stamp from Fred Mullett. I also love the colors on this page. They are bright but in an autumn way.
And now that it is autumn!

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