Friday, September 5, 2014

Some Unfinished Pages

Happy Friday.
 My week has flown by. Has yours?
I have done a bit of art this week and worked on a lot of pages, but never finished any. The weather was just too distracting-way too nice to stay inside. Never mind I had to go to work!
Thought I'd show you some of my starts. Maybe with the rain they tell us we're going to get tomorrow I'll get around to finishing a few. 
Got to love the weekend!

As you can see I was playing with paints and stamps and a few other things that I have up in my happy place.
Hope tomorrow I get some play time...I miss  all the hours I had to get my hands messy during the summer.
Stop by Paint Party Friday and check out some talent.
Thanks for stopping by.


  1. I love how you start by saying that you did a bit of work, then proceed to post a whole blog full of images... I would hate to see what a lot of work looks like lol... it looks like you had great fun... and the colours are popping wonderfully...xx

  2. Beautiful work, love the colours, they look so full of energy. Valerie

  3. I like this!, you are invited to share this with Feline Art Friday:

  4. Exciting to have so many projects on the go... lots of fun ready to go!
    Maybe we could do a swap? I'll send you some of the rain lashing down here for some of your warmth and sunshine.
    Whatever the weather... have fun

  5. gorgeous work Erika-I am loving that last one! I know how you feel about taking advantage of nice weather-before you know it'll be too cold to be out. Happy PPF!

  6. Ooooh so pretty!! Wonderful color!

    Hugs Giggles

  7. A bit of work? Yeah LOL These are all wonderful. I like them all but the last one is my fav.
    Have a nice weekend

  8. So fun and colorful! Particularly the last two with the interesting women!

  9. Awesome starts! And love the color and fun. The butterflies too!!

  10. Erika, your play time with paints and inks produced some marvelous arrays of colors and designs. Makes me happy just looking at your work.

  11. What a vibrant burst of color!! I feel like the week has flown by, too. Don't know where it went. (grin)

  12. The art is so varied and lovely. What are the black Butterflies (fabric)? We have the same interests. Blessings, Janet PPF


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