Friday, October 17, 2014


I haven't had a lot of art time this past week, seems like there's been a million little things and about 100 big things keeping me out of my play space.  But I did manage to squeeze in a little bit of more paper doll playing.
I really am addicted.
This time I stamped 2 different images and then cut the heads off so I could switch them.
Gives me even more opportunities to create some new people.
Love it!
This gal would also make a good jazz singer I think too. In that long dress she looks like she could be on stage. Maybe not the devil about to poke her though.
I also played some more with Pan Pastels on this page. I'm learning how to use them and how they work!
Love learning new things!
And I've had some other fun this past week in the non-art department.
The other night I got to go see one of my favorite biologists speak at a local theater. It was really interesting and a fun evening out with several of my co-worker friends.
He just published the second book of his trilogy about humans on Earth.  I haven't read the book, but I have read some of his other books. Like his ant book. He can make ants  fascinating. Who would ever think ants were that exciting? (But they really are. OK I am a GEEK!)
EO Wilson is 85 and still got a lot to say. I'm glad I got to hear him speak.

Before the presentation I did a bit of walking around Portsmouth and came across this pirate.
I saw this fun saying in a window display but had a hard time getting it to  photograph clearly.
Think this is still a cool photo.
And here's some last blooms in my garden.
This daisy like chrysanthemum's originally came from my Grandmother's garden, then to my mother's and then some clippings to me. I love how they give some last of summer beauty.
So this weekend I am hoping for some quiet time. I've got a bookshelf to assemble and some books to organize. Plus I want to play in the play space. I need some art time to help me cope with life's challenges (like my 85 year old mother and new administrators at work that are trying to change everything). How about you? Up to anything exciting? Or are you looking for some relaxing down time like me?


  1. Pan pastels are one of my favorite 'art' tools. Enjoy experimenting with them. Fun idea to change the head and bodies around to get 'more' combinations. Happy PPF

  2. What a fun post! Love your art, and the views into your life this week. The quote with the pumpkin is wonderful, I have written it into my quote book! Have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie

  3. FUN page!! She does look like she belongs on stage. And how nice that you got to hear that speaker-85 years old and going strong. Boy, don't you just love when new administrators or managers come in new and want to change everything? Good luck with your coming week!

  4. I so enjoyed reading this post and am going to read it again.
    I love your artwork with the thin girl, she looks like a survivor even although she has had her head replaced.
    What a great quote, thanks.
    Hope you manage to get some art time in the middle of pesky Real Life!

  5. Great fun page and thank you for sharing the photos. Happy PPF, Annette x

  6. Love your paper doll art!!! So vivid and alive :) Cute pirate and love the pumpkin quote.

  7. Love that quote. Sounds like a very busy week.. I find it fascinating that you love the life of ants! I think that geeks are so cool. Always something to learn from them..Wishing you less stress from the changes! Thanks for sharing!

    Hugs Giggles

  8. This is a great post. Love the art and the laughs.

  9. I've never tried pan pastels - watercolors are difficult enough! :)
    You're very active, productive. It's good to have life too, not only doing art alone :)
    Happy weekend!

    my blog - > BLOGitse

  10. I love your collage piece, that paper doll is wonderful! You been busy, me too. No down time for me, BOO HOO I have to make a video next week. My least fav. thing to do with work. Thanks for sharing :) Happy Paint Party Friday!
    Tam Hess

  11. Adorable work! Will make a great Halloween piece.


  12. Very scary--totally in tune with Halloween, I might add!

  13. Love your splatters! Damn right fear exists... ;-) Wonderful Halloween theme. Oh, and i love the Thoreau quote you found in the window. I feel the same. Found you via PPF. I'll be back! xx

  14. Love your photos and your story.


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